Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Sketching on the Go!!

So, more travelling junk. I generally hate having to draw buildings and landscape, so I thought I'd force myself to draw a bunch of that while abroad. 

First stop on my Europe trip was Milan to visit some relatives. One of the land marks we visited was the Milan Cathedral (click this link for more info and a picture of the facade of the building). It's a really pretty building and there are tons of tourists and people selling stuff to tourists all around it. Anyways, I climbed up to the roof to draw the spires (old stairs are so scary when you don't like heights!), and later the interior of the church.

I'm so hipster I don't even use an old film camera...I draw shit. Anyways, more travel stuff later--it was either stagger out the posts or make one really long ass entry.

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