Thursday, October 13, 2016


As per usual, this one is a comic book themed post! It's for Wytches, art by Jock and writing by Scott Snyde, published by Image comics. It's about a family that moves into new town for a new life, and of course, the creepiest stuff happens to them. I'm sure I did a poor job of selling it to you, but it's great so read it anyways! Pledged is pledged!

Monday, October 3, 2016

It's...The Sonics!

For October I'm going Halloween themed! The first hit the Sonics ever had was a song called "The Witch". Really really great early 60's band, and arguably the first punk band (but that history is more my boyfriend's expertise).

So presented to you in two options: more yearbook graffiti and less yearbook graffiti. Also, sorry if your name is Eunice Miller or Francis Lemming.