Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The IT Crowd

On the one hand, I'm happy I'm able to keep this up. It was challenging at first, especially after that break I took. On the other hand, I'm late all the time on my own self-inflicted deadline and I sometimes doubt what I'm doing because it's just fan art in the end, you know? But then I remember the whole point was to make enough to sell at a comic con or something. Anyways...

The IT Crowd! A hilarious show from across the pond! Watch it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Rear Window

Rear Window is a classic Hitchcock film starring James Sterwart and Grace Kelly, but I'm sure you knew that already because you have impeccable taste. 

Late Quantum and Woody

I messed up my schedule by skipping a few weeks because excuses like vacation and sick and other not so valid things. Quantum and Woody is a comic from Valiant. It's been brought back from the 90's (like many things these days), and while I haven't read the old stuff, I think the new stuff is freaking hilarious.