Saturday, May 20, 2017

Oh yeah, it totally hasn't been forever since my last post...

Totally not months since my last poster post. I totally did not drag my feet starting and restarting this Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) poster with tons of little Disney and Marvel Tsum Tsum styled things and winged sloths. Nope. Not at all.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Oh wow I made a thing with a someone

My boyfriend wrote a little one page comic about a cowboy hanging. I made a quick drawing for it. We agreed this was an informal exercise. What I learned from this exercise. Remember to plan for text boxes. For the version with text

Here without text to see drawing:

Thursday, October 13, 2016


As per usual, this one is a comic book themed post! It's for Wytches, art by Jock and writing by Scott Snyde, published by Image comics. It's about a family that moves into new town for a new life, and of course, the creepiest stuff happens to them. I'm sure I did a poor job of selling it to you, but it's great so read it anyways! Pledged is pledged!

Monday, October 3, 2016

It's...The Sonics!

For October I'm going Halloween themed! The first hit the Sonics ever had was a song called "The Witch". Really really great early 60's band, and arguably the first punk band (but that history is more my boyfriend's expertise).

So presented to you in two options: more yearbook graffiti and less yearbook graffiti. Also, sorry if your name is Eunice Miller or Francis Lemming.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The IT Crowd

On the one hand, I'm happy I'm able to keep this up. It was challenging at first, especially after that break I took. On the other hand, I'm late all the time on my own self-inflicted deadline and I sometimes doubt what I'm doing because it's just fan art in the end, you know? But then I remember the whole point was to make enough to sell at a comic con or something. Anyways...

The IT Crowd! A hilarious show from across the pond! Watch it!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Rear Window

Rear Window is a classic Hitchcock film starring James Sterwart and Grace Kelly, but I'm sure you knew that already because you have impeccable taste. 

Late Quantum and Woody

I messed up my schedule by skipping a few weeks because excuses like vacation and sick and other not so valid things. Quantum and Woody is a comic from Valiant. It's been brought back from the 90's (like many things these days), and while I haven't read the old stuff, I think the new stuff is freaking hilarious.